Feature JSON files
ScratchTools uses JSON files to describe how a feature works, what it does, and how it should display on the settings page next to the rest of the features. It's a very important file, and features don't work without them.
The file path always matches this: /features/*/data.json
. It should be directly within the folder that matches your feature's ID, which is within the features folder. Here's what a sample data.json
file looks like, taken from the "More News" feature (with some additional keys added):
"title": "More Scratch News",
"description": "On the main page, scroll through the Scratch News section and load more results.",
"credits": [
{ "username": "rgantzos", "url": "https://scratch.mit.edu/users/rgantzos/" }
"type": ["Website"],
"tags": ["New", "Featured"],
"dynamic": true,
"default": true,
"resources": [
{ "name": "my-resource", "path": "/resource.svg" }
"options": [{ "id": "option-id", "name": "My Option", "type": 1 }],
"scripts": [{ "file": "script.js", "runOn": "/" }],
"styles": [{ "file": "style.css", "runOn": "/" }]
This one is pretty self-explanatory. It's the title that displays on the settings page for the feature. This does not have anything to do with how enabled features are stored, so you can change it without affecting users who have it enabled. Titles are put in Title Case.
Example: Most of the Words Capitalized
This is the description of the feature. It displays next to the title on the settings page, and should accurately describe what the feature does.
This is an array object. It should have at least one credit, and describes who has contributed in a relatively major way to the feature. Each element within it should have a username and a URL. When making a pull request to ScratchTools, pull requests linked to suggestions in the Discord server will be commented on by the ScratchTools bot letting you know which Scratch user to credit.
This helps the settings page separate different types of features in the search. There are 4 types:
- Website: a feature that affects a part of the Scratch website other than the editor or forums.
- Forums: a feature that affects the forums.
- Editor: a feature that affects the editor.
- Egg: an easter egg feature. Easter egg features don't show by default unless enabled. You need to use a secret code to display it on the settings page.
You can use more than one tag for features. For example, if a feature affects the profile page and the editor, then you would use both the Website tag and the Editor tag.
This key decides whether or not a feature can be dynamically disabled or enabled, without having to reload the page. If dynamic, any userstyles will be disabled on the page as well when the feature is disabled, and any callbacks to disable listeners will also be called.
This decides whether or not the feature should be enabled by default when you install the extension for the first time. Very few features are enabled by default.
This is an array object. They are resources that your feature can access via userscripts and userstyles. You can use them to access images, videos, sounds, etc.
Each item contains a name, which is important to be able to access it from a userscript/userstyle. Each one also contains a path, relative to the feature's folder, minus the "/" at the end.
Options allow additional customization from the settings page. Dynamic features can also add listeners for when settings are changed. Every option should have an ID, which the feature userscripts use to get the option's value, set by the user.
The option's name displays on the settings page. Unlike the option's ID, the name can be changed without affecting the user's settings. The type decides what kind of input/option it is. Here's what each type corresponds to:
- Text (string)
- Checkbox (boolean)
- Number (number)
- Color (string)
Userstyles and userscripts are discussed in a separate section.